Lab 08 - Life Expectancy

due Tue, July 6 at 11:59p


Life expectancy is a key metric for assessing population health, as it takes into account both infant and elderly mortality. It can be used to compare countries, with the generally accepted belief that a higher life expectancy is associated with a higher quality of life. However, the inequality of life expectancy is still very large across and within countries. We will be examining data about life expectancy across countries. In particular, you will analyze data from the World Health Organization using linear regression models in order to learn what factors are important for determining a country’s average life expectancy in a given year.

The data were modified from this Kaggle dataset. According to the website, “the Global Health Observatory (GHO) data repository under World Health Organization (WHO) keeps track of the health status as well as many other related factors for all countries. The datasets are made available to public for the purpose of health data analysis. The dataset related to life expectancy, health factors for 193 countries has been collected from the same WHO data repository website and its corresponding economic data was collected from United Nation website. Among all categories of health-related factors only those critical factors were chosen which are more representative.” However, due to missing data for certain countries, they ultimately decided to remove ten countries from the final dataset. Thus the resultant dataset contains information about 183 countries.

Configure git

use_git_config( = "github username", = "your email")


In this lab we will work with the tidyverse and broom packages. We can install and load them with the following:

The broom package is installed with the tidyverse, but we need to load it separately in order to make use of it.


The data

In this lab you will upload the data yourself!

Then, you can load the data as usual using the following.

life_expect <- read_csv("data/life_expectancy.csv")


Variable name Description
country Country
year Year (2000-2015)
status Developed or Developing country status
life_expectancy life expentancy in age
adult_mortality Adult Mortality Rates of both sexes (probability of dying between 15 and 60 years per 1000 population)
infant_deaths Number of Infant Deaths per 1000 population
alcohol Alcohol, recorded per capita (15+) consumption (in litres of pure alcohol)
percentage_expenditure Expenditure on health as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product per capita (%)
hepB Hepatitis B immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%)
measles Number of reported cases of Measles per 1000 population
BMI Average Body Mass Index (BMI) of entire population
under_five_deaths Number of under-five deaths per 1000 population
polio Polio immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%)
total expenditure General government expenditure on health as a percentage of total government expenditure (%)
diphtheria Diphtheria tetanus toxoid and pertussis immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%)
HIV_AIDS Deaths per 1000 live births HIV/AIDS (0-4 years)
GDP Gross Domestic Product per capita (in USD)
population Population of the country
thinness_10_19 Prevalence of thinness among children and adolescents for Age 10 to 19 (% )
thinness_5_9 Prevalence of thinness among children for Age 5 to 9(%)
income_composition Human Development Index in terms of income composition of resources (index ranging from 0 to 1)
schooling Number of years of schooling

To following resource provides code needed to make useful symbols. You may use the code to typeset the characters of interest in the narrative of your document:


Part 1: Data Manipulation

  1. While the data provided spans from 2000-2015, we will be focusing on a single year of data. Filter the data to only retain observations from 2015. Additionally, create the following new variables:

Part 2: Exploratory Data Analysis

  1. Visualize the distribution of life_expectancy. Is the distribution skewed? What does that tell you about the average life expectancy across countries? Is this what you expected to see? Why, or why not? Include any summary statistics and visualizations you use in your response.

  2. Visualize and describe the relationship between life_expectancy and schooling.

Part 3: Simple linear regression with a numerical predictor

Linear model is in the form \(\hat{y} = b_0 + b_1 x\).

  1. Let’s see if the apparent trend in the plot is something more than natural variation. Fit a linear model called m_school to predict average life expectancy by average number of years of schooling (schooling). Based on the regression output, write the linear model.

  2. Replot your visualization from Exercise 3, and add the regression line to this plot in orange color. Turn off the shading for the uncertainty of the line.

  3. Interpret the slope of the linear model in context of the data.

  4. Interpret the intercept of the linear model in context of the data. Comment on whether or not the intercept makes sense in this context.

  5. Determine the \(R^2\) of the model and interpret it in context of the data.

Part 4: Linear regression with a categorical predictor

  1. Fit a new linear model called m_status to predict the life expectancy of
    a country based on its status. Based on the regression output, write the linear model and interpret the slope and intercept in context of the data.

  2. What is the equation of the line corresponding to developed countries? What is it for developing countries?

  3. Fit a new linear model called m_bmi to predict average life_expectancy based on the BMI_cat of the country. Based on the regression output, write the linear model and interpret the slopes and intercept in context of the data.

The function fct_relevel() allows you to change the order of levels of a categorical variable. The syntax is fct_relevel(<name of variable>, <“baseline level”>)

  1. Create a new variable called BMI_relevel where "underweight" is the baseline level. You have some starter code here.
  1. Fit a new linear model called m_bmi_relevel to predict average life_expectancy based on bmi_relevel of the country. This is the new (releveled) variable you created in Exercise 12. Based on the regression output, write the linear model and interpret the slopes and intercept in context of the data. Also determine and interpret the \(R^2\) of the model.